Receiving Your Bill
Bills are mailed on or about the last Friday of every month or as close to the first of the month as possible. If you bill is not received by the first/second week of the month, please call the office. The bill may be lost in the mail, it may have been delivered to the wrong address, or it may have been returned to the office. Reddell-Vidrine is NOT responsible for the United States Postal Sevice.
Delinquent Accounts
After the 20th of each month, you have a 10 day grace period to pay your bill in FULL. If no payment is received by the tenth day after the 20th of the month, water will be turned off. Upon payment of the delinquent balance, a $50 reconnection fee for each visit, water service will be restored during business hours (6:30 am to 2:30 pm). WATER WILL NOT BE TURNED BACK ON AFTER BUSINESS HOURS!!