Billing Information

Billing Information

  • The minimum monthly water bill for Residential Customers is $20 plus a $1 state mandated charge for 0/2000 gallons consumed 
  • Any water consumed over 2000 gallons by Residential Customers is $4.50 per 1000 gallons
  • The minimum monthly water bill for Commercial/Business Customers is $50 plus a $1 state mandated charge for 0/5000 gallons consumed
  • Any water consumed over 5000 gallons by Commercial/Business Customers is $5.50 per 1000 gallons
  • A minimum monthly water bill is deu each month, whether or not any water is consumed
  • All water bills are due by the 20th of each month
  • Any bills unpaid after the 20th of the month will be assesed a 5% arrears (late penalty fee) 
  • Bills run a mont behind - but once the first bill is received, there will be a bill EVERY month
  • There will be a FINAL bill the month after service is discontinued


Returned Checks/ACH Drafts

Returned checks are not redeposited. A $25 (RVWD return check fee) and a $7 (bank fee) fee will be added to the returned check amount. ANY BAD CHECK WRITTEN FOR A DELINQUENT ACCOUNT WILL RESULT IN THE METER BEING LOCKED OR REMOVED WITHOUT NOTICE. A $50 reconnect fee or a $75 replacement fee must be paid, in addition to the amount of the returned check and the fees from RVWD and the bank.